
and the world is changing.


Our focus is on education and schools, protection from exploitation and violence, and ensuring survival and health - even in times of natural disasters, economic crises and famine.

Education and school

Protection from exploitation and violence

Ensuring survival and health

JUNITI is committed to a world that respects children's rights. A world in which every child has the opportunity to live a healthy and safe life and to develop freely and self-determined.

We work on a variety of positive engagement initiatives. Join us and support the vision of enabling all children, regardless of their background, to have a happy childhood in a healthy world.

"A moment can change a day, a day can change a life...and a happy life can change the world"

Our current project is in Sri Lanka, a country that is experiencing the country's biggest economic crisis due to several crises (tsunami, political unrest and Covid). More than a third of the people have hardly any food left, as the food inflation rate has risen to over 85% within a year. The state is insolvent, resulting in only limited opportunities for imports from abroad.

In 2022, the government decreed that chemical fertilizers should no longer be used for environmental and sustainability reasons, no doubt also due to international pressure - resulting in a further rise in food prices.

Around 7 in 10 households must reduce their diet, 17% of children under the age of 5 are hypogenic and 35% suffer from deficiency symptoms. There is no social system to protect the poorest people. School meals have been discontinued with the result that fewer and fewer children are attending school.

Source: GTAI GERman Trade& from 03.12.2022

We are JUNITI...

... and will actively do something against discrimination and for a better future for people in various regions of the world - especially in Sri Lanka. Children and their future are particularly important to us.

Through better education and a healthy daily meal, building playgrounds and gardens, but also through education, we create new perspectives and thus improve the living conditions of the people in Sri Lanka SUSTAINABLY. Our long-term and overarching goal is to give as many people as possible this opportunity and to develop the ability to help people help themselves.

We will make our contribution for a better understanding between nations, from which intercultural friendship and tolerance will emerge.

JUNITI was founded in 2023 as a non-profit association. The purpose of our association is to alleviate people's economic hardship, promote education and advance environmental protection. We pursue exclusively and directly charitable and benevolent purposes.

JUNITI cooperates with various aid projects and institutions in Sri Lanka whose management, concepts and working methods are personally known to the JUNITI Board. The support is based on a deep trust in the professional competence of the management and the support team as well as on respect for the rights of the children and the sustainability of each individual project.

Cultural exchange, learning from each other and working together are also important to us.

JUNITI is supported locally in Sri Lanka by the Rotary Club Badulla, our partner association, - direct and effective.


We will be happy to answer any further questions on contacting us.

For reasons of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is avoided. Female and other gender identities are expressly included if the content requires it.

Cooperation Partner
